Wellness Team Requests
If you a non-profit event organizer , the Medical Reserve Corps of Greater Kansas City has the training and volunteer spirit to assist you in your event. We offer a team of trained and vetted medical professionals to perform health screenings - specifically blood pressure and blood glucose monitoring. Our Wellness Team members believe in promoting good health through education and also teach about personal disaster preparedness. They are all medically licensed professionals: EMTs, LPNs, RNs, physicians, etc. available to work at your health fairs or provide screening services without charge.
If you would like to request our Wellness Team to assist at your event, please fill out the following online request form and submit. We prefer as much advance notification as possible for scheduling purposes. We will review your information and respond as soon as we can. If you need to contact us in the interim, please email our Nursing Services Officer, Erin Leever, at [email protected]
If you would like to request our Wellness Team to assist at your event, please fill out the following online request form and submit. We prefer as much advance notification as possible for scheduling purposes. We will review your information and respond as soon as we can. If you need to contact us in the interim, please email our Nursing Services Officer, Erin Leever, at [email protected]